God is Still Good
Lately our world has been filled with bad news,
But even in the midst of trouble, God is still good.
Chaos and confusion has been swirling,
But the Lord is still the God of peace (1 Cor. 14:33)

Vindicated By His Power
My heart is in anguish within me, and the terrors of death have fallen upon me (Psalm 55:4). The thoughts expressed in the Daily Bread have to do with concerns we have that are real, but, for the most part, are not life-threatening or even, by the standards of some, really very serious.

The Buff-Tip Moth
It’s one thing for an animal to blend into its background. Many animals can do this. It’s a completely different level for an animal to perfectly mimic some object in its environment.

Only Hethans Don’t Use Turn Signals
The turn signal on vehicles is one of the most basic accessories. So basic, in fact, that most of us probably take its presence and invention for granted.

Worth More Than Sparrows
We all like compliments, but we generally expect something a little different, don’t we? It’s like the preacher who was complimented with, “You’ll be a good preacher, someday!” (I was told that once.)

The Power to Save
Prior to the First Century, the Jews had encountered several seasons of oppression and hardship. They were constantly under the reign of higher worldly powers; Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. Even after their return from exile, they felt the pains of worldly oppression in their homeland

I Stand and Look…
I stand and look at the storm
and the wind and waves declare your majesty
The lightning flashes and the earth trembles…