
Have you heard anyone talk about the price of a gallon of gas lately? What about cars, computer chips, lumber, toilet paper, or bicycles? Current events, panic buying, and distribution problems have made buying certain items in our country difficult or expensive.

So what if I told you, "you never have to put gas in your car again? I have the secret to perpetual car fuel." Given the current situation, I think I would be a pretty popular guy. We have all seen news stories or posts on social media complaining about the price of goods and their availability. It seems that everyone has an opinion or solution to the problem if only someone would put them in charge.

Our current situation reminds me of someone who was in charge. It always amazes me how quickly Jesus was able to get to the point. It was a simple observation about a need that started the conversation with the woman at the well in Samaria. She needed water, and he began talking about never being thirsty again. The water was scarce for her, and she had to work hard to get it. Jesus said, "whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again." (John 4:14)

What is scarce in our world today? I started with a list of consumer goods that have certainly been in short supply. More than that, however, I think we can all agree that our world is short on things like grace, compassion, joy, and love. Fortunately, we have a spring that won't ever run dry, the same water that Jesus offered to the woman 2000 years ago. Instead of complaining about the things that will eventually pass away, let's do our best to let people know about the living water that has been made available to every person.

Photo by Kyle Bushnell on Unsplash


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