Bear Valley Wrapped
Every year, members of the popular music streaming app Spotify get a report of their listening habits called "Spotify Wrapped." It summarizes your top genre, number one song, mood based on time of day, your minutes listened, and other stats. Sometimes these can be unwelcome numbers. I, for instance, listened to over 14,000 minutes of music (all of it studying, I am sure!) It is fascinating to see how we spend our time and how things have evolved over the last year. As we bring this year to a close, let's do a Bear Valley Wrapped and see all the ways God has blessed us. (Please read to the end for the disclaimer!)
Growing the Church - We have had over 20 new members and had a banquet to celebrate them. We have had several bible studies and baptisms. We added 4 new elders.
Small Groups - We have six small groups that currently meet. Over 250 people have been to at least one small group meeting. We have had several community members engage within the small group setting.
Benevolence - We have supported Mountain States Children's home with six donations of food goods. We have helped numerous members through our pantry. We delivered more than 20 meals to families in our local area to have a Thanksgiving meal.
Teaching - We have had 18 adult bible classes on Sunday mornings and 10+ weeks of a summer series addressing things said about Christians. We have had several 5th Sunday presentations on topics ranging from personal evangelism to mental health to digital parenting. We hosted our annual lectureship with four power-packed days about clinging to hope and trust in difficult times. Not to mention the theme of being simply Christian taught from the pulpit on Sundays
School - Through our largest ministry, we have put graduates in pulpits and have a large class of new students. We have recent graduates in Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, and Ohio. The school has launched an initiative to fund a scholarship directed at helping prospective students. We are well-positioned to help families as soon as January of 2023. We also have several new international schools.
Events - We have held multiple events to help Bear Valley Members and community members. We had more than 60 volunteers help with members helping members and church workdays. We made bags for those experiencing homelessness. We handed out hot dogs, ice cream, and prayers for anyone who wanted to stop by. We had more than 50 participate in Caroling for the members.
Camps - FPTC and Higher Group returned with great success. Young men and women learning to be better servants of God and looking towards a lifetime of service.
Disclaimer - We don't like identifying lists for fear that we will leave someone or something out. I know for sure there are things that I have forgotten or overlooked. (Youth events, hospital visits, calls, texts, prayers, fellowship meals, daily bread articles, DAYAC, etc.!) I am willing to acknowledge my shortcoming to show just some of the ways God has blessed us. We have a great family of Christians at Bear Valley, and we have accomplished much because of their dedicated service to God. I can't wait to see what the Lord's church can achieve in 2023!